Sunday, November 02, 2008

Can't Wait for My Turn!

Our little Piper loves to wear back packs like the big kids.  She loves to "GO".  And will ask you, Go?  Go?  if she know you are leaving and she doesn't want to be left behind.  She will go get her shoes and socks and start putting them on all by herself.  It is the sweetest thing.
She waits for the kids and watches out the windows for them to come home.  She loves to walk down to the bus stop and greet them from the "coolbus".  She gets so excited and yells their names and runs to them for a hug.
  She's ready to go.
Watch out world. She's reaching for the door.


MAN said...

She is so cute and adorable. I love to take her almost anywhere because she really is a good baby. Love her and miss her.

emlizalmo said...

How is she so cute? Her hair do makes me smile every time I see it! She and Quinny are twins! :)

O family said...

Man, this girl is so cute! I am glad that we got to hang out yesterday. Piper and Quinn seemed to hit it off! She is just adorable in the backback. Tell her not to grow up too fast though :)

Anonymous said...

sooo precious!!! I love the photos of her in her backpack. How sweet is she? i think it is adorable that she gets excited to see her brothers and sisters come home. I wish I could give her big hugs and kisses, i miss you guys and sure wish you were closer. Emma and Piper would have so much fun together.

Princess Gerty said...

What a cute girl! Hammy feels the same way. He is sad when his siblings get to go on the school bus. Now he says, "Hammy city bus backpack," meaning he wants to ride a city bus with a back pack. Isn't it wild what they think is an adventure?