Thursday, June 19, 2008

A Day With the Kids

My days are very full. I often feel as though I am rushing. I often feel as though I am nagging my kids and just saying do this, do that, get on your shoes, get in the car, set the table, clear the dishes, hurry hurry. I have alot to fit in - making meals, doing dishes, planning my Sunday lessons, grocery shopping, laundry, bills, giving baths, changing diapers, cleaning the house (and yes - that's the one I neglect most often). And sometimes I try to cram my stuff in too - watch a show, sew a project, read an article.

So every once in awhile - I try to take a day for the kids - I don't do house work, I don't do anything for me. I focus 100% on them. Today was one of those days.

We woke up and didn't have any milk - yet I didn't go to the store. We used evaporated milk -( 2 parts water, one part canned milk.) The kids don't mind it at all on their oatmeal. The boys and I eat it on cereal and Piper doesn't mind drinking it in her sippy. (It tastes exactly like the milk they drink in Spain.)

So today I sat one on one with Chase and Ainsley while they worked on workbook pages. I read loads of books to Ainsley and did some sight word flash cards. I played in the back yard and salvaged all my tulip bulbs from a flower pot I got for Mother's Day. I let the girls help me separate the bulbs and bag them. I helped MacGregor repot his little cucumber plant he raised in school. I sang with Piper. We took a walk, blew bubbles and pet the neighbor's puppies. The girls got a bubble bath and their toe nails painted. Then we ate ice cream together and snuggled on the couch under a blanket watching Wonder Pets.

I really love my children and I like spending time with them but I know they don't always get the quality I'd like to give them when life is rushing by. It was really nice to just focus on the kids and push everything else aside. I know it can't be done every day but I hope a day like today reenergizes the kids like it does me.


Wendy said...

Yes, it is impossible to do it every day; yet, if it was every day it wouldn't be special and they will remember the special things. You're awesome! Wendy

O family said...

I think that it is great to make sure that you take time to fully enjoy each other. Sometimes it is hard but totally worth it! oh, and I LOVE Wonder Pets! ha

emlizalmo said...

I love days like this...I really do. It is SO easy to forget what life is about, you know? This is when I am the happiest...forgetting all I have to do, walking away from it and just being present with my kids. Why do I tend to forget that? Thanks for the reminder. :)

Brielle said...

I too like agree with Amy. It is so easy to push aside when we have so many things we need to get done. But the days where I let all that go and that is really hard for me, are my best days. You really remember your love for your children. Thanks for sharing and reminding us we need to do this more often.

Princess Gerty said...

What a great idea! I love to do stuff like that with my kids! Often I just end up taking a few hours or even moments instead of a whole day, but even that is really rejuvenating. They really are my number one priority and I regret the days I don't act that way.

jennis said...

That's such a great idea! I've been pretty guilty of incessant nagging lately--I think I need to try a kids' day too.

amandajonalissa said...

I think all us moms agree! What a good reminder to grab our kids and make them the focus today =)

I can't believe I don't know about Wonder Pets! I'm checking it out....

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful day with the kids. They will remember these special days and you will also!!
I know I do looking back and from what you kids say you do too.
Love, Mom