Here's a quick update.
I was very unimpressed with the orthopedist who came in and sat in his little chair 4 feet away from the baby. He never felt her leg or unwrapped the thick ace bandage to see if there was discoloration or swelling etc... I assume he saw the X-ray that I had handed the nurse. He asked me, "How is she doing with that thing?" pointing to her wrapped leg. I said fine and he said "Great, then we'll just keep that on for 3 weeks" He said it should be easier on her than setting a hard cast and then having to cut it off with a saw.
So that's it. She still gets around by crawling and dragging her leg behind her. She still can pull herself up on things and balance with the cast. After the 2nd days she didn't complain about pain at all so now we just wait. We'll be going back a week from Thurs to get it checked before we leave on vacation. Please pray with us that she will have healed rapidly and won't have to wear the cast on vacation!!
poor piper. We will pray for her. She is so cute and that is the smallest cast i've ever seen
How sweet she looks and it sure doesn't slow her down too much
I'll pray for her.
Love , Mamaw
I wouldn't be too impressed with that doctor either. I am glad it isn't slowing her down any. She will definitely be in our prayers to heal quickly.
poor Piper. I would have been a little angry too. After all, nothing is as important as your child's health. I hope that maybe he DID look at the X-ray and was really thinking about what might be the easiest for her (and not just lazy) We will continue praying for her. :)
Fingers crossed and healing vibes coming your way. :) Sounds like your doc could use some bedside manner lessons.
Oh God bless that little girl! Poor little one with so many ER trips!
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