Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Corny Family

Ainsley had a Family Tree project due a couple of weeks ago.  She brought home a manilla poster paper and had to create a family tree.  The only rules were that it had to be a kind of tree and that you had to write at the bottom, "We are a _____ tree because we like/are_______.  And all the members of the family needed to be named on the poster.  You could use what ever you wanted to decorate or make the tree.

Ainsley originally wanted to be an apple tree but there were lots of apple trees so I tried to convince her that we should be a popcorn tree because #1, that would be a beautiful tree - look like spring blossoms and #2 our family LOVES popcorn, we probably eat it 6 days a week.  So she went with it.  We drew out our brown tree shape and began trying to glue on the popcorn.  It didn't work at all.  Popcorn doesn't have enough flat surfaces to adhere properly.  I could have used hot glue but it still seemed like even with that it was going to be a long and complicated project with a lot of burned fingers.  I was disappointed because we had already come up with our sentence - "We are a popcorn tree because we are corny."
Ainsley then said she wanted to draw a squirrel on at the base of the tree because she liked the hole in the tree and knew squirrels would live there.  Well that squirrel idea - gave me an idea.  We could be an acorn tree!!  We could still be corny and we could use fabric - my favorite.  So I cut out the pieces and Ainsley glued them on the tree with Elmer's glue - less messy and less burns.  The tree came out very cute.
Then Ainsley decided she wanted each person in the family to be a squirrel instead of us gluing on pictures or putting our names on branches of the tree.  So Chase drew our first squirrel and the I copied his design to draw the rest.  Ainsley colored them in.  It was a fun family project and I think the end result was fabulous.


emlizalmo said...

SO cute...I love your corny family. :)

Brielle said...

That is awesome. I love the corny family and the squirrels. Ainsley you did a great you.

Jim and Reenie said...

How fun,family projects and Britt your family is so creative. :) Tell Ainsley I love the squirrels.

Princess Gerty said...

What a creative, beautiful project! Nice work everyone!

Boopsie said...

Hey there! I just peeked at your blog through steve and crystal's! What a cute family!! I think you just had your oldest (I forget his name), and were waaay pregnant with the next when I left...my parents have moved now, too. Well, great seeing your fam!!