Everyone loves a newborn. I'm not sure if it's their cuddly curled up bodies or the sweet smell of their skin, perhaps it's their milk breath or their super soft hair, but Everyone loves a newborn! I think 4 year old girls have a special magnetic attraction to newborns and Ainlsey sure enjoyed visiting her cousin Emma. From the day she was born, Ainlsey asked when she could go see Emma. Everytime we went to my mom's house Ainlsey would ask if Emma was going to be there. We had to keep a special watch on Ainlsey because she wanted to be touching the baby at all times - especially very inconvenient times.... like when she was nursing or finally asleep. Ainlsey always had her face about 2 inches away from Emma and was constantly asking to hold her.
"Is Emma coming to the cabin?" Ainsley asked. She did come to the cabin and hung out with Piper.
"Is Emma coming to my recital? Will she watch me dance?" I can't tell you how many times I heard that question. And Yes, Emma did come to the recital and whether she watched or not I can't say. But she was there to make Ainsley's day! *** On a quick side note, Ainsley did a fabulous job on her dance. She forgot the two parts that she always forgot at home during practice but other than that she wasn't nervous and performed just great. She told me as she walked down from the stage, "I forgot the sliding board" I assured her she did a wonderful job.
Now that Emma has moved west, we all miss her. I am thankful for blogs so we will get to see her constant growth and changes. We all look forward to holding her again on our next visit.
SO cute! What a gorgeous baby. She looks like a mini, bald, perfect Brinn! AS
SO cute! What a gorgeous baby. She looks like a mini, bald, perfect Brinn! AS
They both look so cute. I love little Emma. And it is true, everyone DOES love a newborn. Especially when they are as cute as all of ours have been!
Yup, my kids sure enjoyed her when she was here! That Emma's a cutie! And way to go Ainsley on your great recital!
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