Friday, April 04, 2008

Uncomfortable Moment

So today we went to Ainsley's 5 year old well check. One of the things the doctor was assessing was her ability to draw certain things. She drew a circle, a square, a triangle and a very good attempt at a diamond. Then he says, "while I talk to your mom, can you draw me the best person you can."

A few moments went by and he asked her if she was finished. She said, "one more cloud..." She proudly showed us her picture. The doctor and I both said, Wow Ainsley - that's really good. Then I asked her who was that in the picture. She told me it was me and next to me was a dog that I got when Daddy wasn't with us (which makes sense because Dan is allergic to dogs and cats and Ainsley would love to have an animal). I asked why Daddy wasn't with us - Ainsley said because he lives somewhere else. She then added that she and Chase and MacGregor all lived with me but Piper lived with Daddy. WHOA! So I said, Why doesn't daddy live with us? Ainsley replies "because Daddy doesn't love you anymore!!!!!!" YES - all this in front of the doctor that I am sure at this point thinks that there is an eminent divorce and kids are choosing with parent to live with!!!!

I then realize where this is coming from and try to explain it to the doctor - whether he believes me or not remains unknown. Ainsley is having a birthday party tomorrow with some of her friends from her pre-school and dance class. One of the girls is not able to come because it's her weekend to be at her Dads. When Ainsley found this out she had a lot of questions - Why does her dad live at a different house? Why aren't her parents married anymore?

Daniel tried to explain to her that sometimes people don't love each other anymore and they choose to live apart. I think that was all in her head because the party is tomorrow and Mollie won't be there etc...

The doctor said he thought it was interesting that Piper was the only one to live with her dad - I think there are probably two reasons. 1) There has been a bit of competition going on - even at the doctor's office - The doctor had Ainsley come over to where he was sitting to check her spine. Piper ran over and put her hands up and wanted on the Drs lap. She then sat on his lap for quite a while and was thoroughly upset when he put her down so he could notate the chart. Also as soon as the Dr came in - Ainsley said "I am the one for the Drs today" as to not be confused with a visit for Piper. 2) the other reason Ainsley would stay with me and not her dad, whom she loves dearly, is because apparently I have a dog at my house and she would most definitely have to live with the dog.

I thought I would share that story with you and get it written down because I would never want to forget that "GEM" of discomfort!!

Also - I posted a slide show -right beneath this post. It is supposed to work if you just click on that that button that says full screen. It wouldn't let me write anything with the post. I am still trying to figure all these new things out. But check it out and let me know what you think!


emlizalmo said...

The things they say just amaze me, amaze me and embarrass me. I bet you could have just died. Molly said some very interesting things as she stared at me in the tub yesterday. Glad noone was around to hear that!

O family said...

oh Brit! This is so funny. Funny but horrible. Oh man. I got a good chuckle out of this:)

Christine said...

I know a preschool teacher who says "I'll believe half of what they tell me about you if you believe half of what they tell you about me!" Hopefully pediatricians have the same sense of humor!

Oh, and Piper is just a doll!! I love her eyes.

jennis said...

Yep, it's good to keep a record of those stories, so that when your kids are teenagers and complain that you embarrass them, you can tell them that you have a long way to go before you're even! I've started a file on Kendra for that very purpose :) I can't believe how big Ainsley is getting!

Princess Gerty said...

There, there, Lady, we know what a great family you are--Ainsley is so lucky to have you!

Anonymous said...

One of the best stories I've heard in a's almost straight out of a sitcom!

Brielle said...

I have told a few people now of this story. I thought it was so funny. Gotta love Ainsley, she just says stuff straight out! I loved the slide show of Piper. I don't think I have ever seen one with captions underneath like that. She sure was enjoying that yogurt!