Here's a close up:
Here's the back:
Of course then I had a lot of snipping to do but overall I was pleased with the final result.
Speaking of snipping - today I am having surgery. I have a lipoma ( fatty tumor) growing just around the back of my armpit. I had another removed several years ago - it was the size of a raquetball growing on my shoulder blade. This one is larger - maybe baseball size. We've known about it for about 2 and half years but it grows slowly and is almost never cancerous so we just let it go. But it has gotten pretty big now and I don't want to have a huge pit after they remove it because the skin has stretched so far over it. So it's time. Wish me luck! If you're curious - here's a before.
Man, good luck with your surgery. That doesn't sound super fun. I'm sorry. I never knew you had these. On a lighter note...LOVE the quilt! That looks like a LOT of work! The lucky recipient will be thrilled!
Wow- I had no idea this was going on... good luck and may you have a speedy recovery. The quilt is BEAUTIFUL!! Maybe you can give me a guilt lesson or two. Mis syou guys- havent seen you in awhile!!
Love Stacy
Wow Brit. LOVE THE QUILT!! it is adorable. I wish that I had those kind of skills. I actually think that I am just too nervous to try. I hope that all goes well with your surgery. love ya and good luck!
The quilt is beautiful. You really have a talent. Hope all went well with your surgery today. To bad now it won't look like you have a big muscle there!! Hope it doesn't scar to bad. Who is the quilt for? I really like the stars on it.
Ouch - that surgery doesn't sound too fun. I hope it goes well. Did Dan come with you? Is your mom there to help with the girls? I'm thinking about you and will wait to hear an update on how it went. Oh, just a little update . . . the Hille's just had a baby boy last week; Jack Robert.
WOW! The quilt is wonderful...bless your hands! (as they say in Albania!)I had to laugh when I read the post title...the first thought in my head was "surgery" because Sweetsa refers to my scar as "snip-snip." I hope that your surgery went well.
Whoa!! We will keep you in our prayers for a successful surgery and speedy recovery! Your quilting is fantastic! I am so impressed!
The quilt was a hit at the shower, everyone oood and ahhd. But most importantly Angie loved it. Good work Britt. love, Mom
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