Friday, April 03, 2009

A Lesson in Faith

Last Sunday Lancaster County had an F1 tornado hit near Ephrata.  I guess it was on the news and my aunt who lives in Maine sent me this email:

On Mar 30, 2009, at 8:52 AM, Eileen Gale wrote:
Hi guys -
Heard on the national news of a tornado yesterday - hope you're all ok and your homes faired alright through it............Eileen
This was my response and I thought that I wanted to keep this story for future generations so I am posting it here.

Aunt Eileen

Our house did fine although we stayed at our church building for an extra 15 minutes.  We were getting ready to leave about 4:45 (our congregation is meeting 1:30-4:30 PM right now) and we noticed the black sky.  The clouds were low and you could see dangling fingers and swirly rotation within.  We went back into the building after we had loaded the kids in the car.  No sooner than we got back into the building - the Thunder cracked BIG TIME.  We watched the black clouds and listened to the thunder for about 10 minutes then the rain came - buckets and buckets with pea sized hail.  The hail only lasted about 5 minutes - we ran to the car in the rain, but not pouring buckets, and drove home.  There was a lot of water on the road but the rain got less and less as we got closer to home.   My brother in law said they got diverted because Newport Rd in Lititz was closed due to downed power lines.  They live just off Oak Street.

So scary but no major damage.  Thank Heavens.  The cutest story - as we drove home MacGregor asked if we could say a prayer.  We asked him to say it.  Shortly there after Ainsley said - Can God make the bad weather stop?  Then MacGregor piped up saying - "We just said a prayer Ainsley, so I'm sure He's already working on it."  Now that's FAITH!

Hope you are well.



emlizalmo said...

Oh Britt...I love, love, love that story! Kids are amazing sometimes. So powerful, and they don't even know it.

Anna said...

We were on the way home from church in all the hail and downpours. Ryan didn't want to chance us getting stuck at church and not able to get home. All the kids were sobbing...saying they didn't want to die in the car. Alex offered up our prayer asking that we would get home safely. He asked Ryan what the chance of Heavenly Father changing the weather was and Ryan told him anything was possible. It reminded me a lot of your story. I love kids faith!!!

O family said...

I am glad that you are all safe. It makes me so happy that your kids can feel safe after saying a prayer. Does that make sense?... I love you all and this story too.

Princess Gerty said...

I am so glad you guys were okay in body as well as spirits. We are so blessed!

Wendy said...

I Love Mac! Did it bring back fond OK memories? Glad all was well.